Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dengue Fever Part 2

My headache is a dull, aching throb. I've got gum ulcers. The back of my eyes still hurt. All the symptoms of dengue, not to mention the hot and cold sensations. I've been praying hard that the person who does the dengue syrology test would be in today and 'he' was. I though it was a 'she.'

The test drew a negative. The doctor who saw me was a different one. The one who had been so attentive in monitoring my case was on MC. (Sick leave) This new doctor said there was nothing to worry about. "It's a just a viral infection. Could be ciku.... something, something - a kind of viral infection that exhibits similar symptoms to dengue. Just let the infection wear out since there is no cure for this or dengue."

I'm resting or trying to. My blood count is still low and I got myself a chocolate mix that claims to be a complete food. The eye pains and headaches are still there but not as intensive or as often. Boy! What an experience! Thank God I came out alive!

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