Friday, November 28, 2008

Water! Water!

It's been a long time since my last post. It turned out I wasn't suffering from Dengue. Nevertheless, the after effects were terrible. Have been tired most of the time. Sleeping right after dinner and getting up in the early hours of the morning. But yesterday, the most dreaded symptoms returned. The fuzzy headache on my right temple!

I did another blood test and sure enough my blood count has gone down by at least 20 ..whatever measurement is used. The doctor said not to worry. It's still within the normal range! But what is the optimum range? I wanted to know. What a life to live if you're sleeping most of the time unable to do what you need to do?

I hate drinking water! I think it is the taste rather than anything else. The water off the faucet taste like medicine. The bottled ones don't taste good either. The really good ones are too heavy on the pocket.

The most I could get by the day is one 1.5 liter of water and together with cereal drinks, maybe 2 liters.

Last night I did a detoxification by forcing myself to drink water with 100 Plus. I finished two bottles of 1.5 liters of mineral water with 100 Plus. I went to the loo three times. The bowel movement did some good - which proves my point of how important it is to detoxify our bodies. Try out the real detox at

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Root Causes of Obesity

What are the root causes of obesity? When we understand the causes, then dealing with the problem becomes more manageable. It's like the problem of a garden overgrown with weed. The weeds will always be there until and unless you get rid of them by uprooting them. So, too with obesity. You've got to take the drastic step of going right into the root cause/causes to solve the problem.

Have you noticed that obesity has become a common sight in new economies in South east Asia? Part of the reason is the new affluence which allows one to consume richer food in the form of meat. Another reason is the easy access to western fast food restaurants such as McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Now, meat takes a much longer time to break down than vegetables. They deposit fat in our bodies which leads to illnesses such as high cholesterol and heart diseases.

Fast food is of course junk food and as it's name suggests, devoid of nutrients.

The young generation today are glued to the box or to video games. Now a life of inertia feeding on nothing but junk and chips is disastrous for one's health. It causes constipation. Since we do not burn off the food in movement, fat gets deposited at the wrong places causing overweight and obesity.

Now that you understand the root cause, you can do yourself a favor by flushing out the unwanted fat through a process of detoxification using Master Cleanse. Click here to find out more.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dengue Fever Part 2

My headache is a dull, aching throb. I've got gum ulcers. The back of my eyes still hurt. All the symptoms of dengue, not to mention the hot and cold sensations. I've been praying hard that the person who does the dengue syrology test would be in today and 'he' was. I though it was a 'she.'

The test drew a negative. The doctor who saw me was a different one. The one who had been so attentive in monitoring my case was on MC. (Sick leave) This new doctor said there was nothing to worry about. "It's a just a viral infection. Could be ciku.... something, something - a kind of viral infection that exhibits similar symptoms to dengue. Just let the infection wear out since there is no cure for this or dengue."

I'm resting or trying to. My blood count is still low and I got myself a chocolate mix that claims to be a complete food. The eye pains and headaches are still there but not as intensive or as often. Boy! What an experience! Thank God I came out alive!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dengue Fever and Symptoms

My eyes were hurting so bad I thought my eyeballs were gonna pop out. I blamed it all on spending too much time at the computer. An innocent visit to the General Hospital to get a course of antibiotics and the diagnosis of a sharp doctor who sent me for a blood test showed that I was a dengue suspect.

My blood count was 166. The normal range is between 150-400. I was asked to come back the next day for another blood test. The platelet was still low at 175. The headaches came on and off and hurt like crazy. Throb! Throb! Throb! Sometimes my brain felt like there were worms running through it. There was a point in time when my face was cold as ice. They say that’s what happens when your blood pressure plummets.

Platelet count was still low at 176 today. I’m on painkiller and magnesium trislicate to neutralize the acidity I think because I have gastric.

Tomorrow hopefully they can do the dengue syrology test to confirm if it is Dengue. Would you believe it? There is only one person in the whole of the General Hospital who can do the test and she was on course.

Already I feel like a junkie after all the blood tests! It aches where they poke the needle. I used to tolerate mosquito bites in my waking hours but now I'm paranoid!

I have been taking 100 Plus. I read that water melon juice is good. There must have been an increase in dengue cases in the Klang Valley because a water melon costs about RM3.50 a kg and one water melon usually weighs no less than 10 kg. How do buy?

I'm totally konked out. Cant do a thing!

According to the WHO, “dengue is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with any one of the four dengue viruses. It occurs in tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world. Symptoms appear 3—14 days after the infective bite. Dengue fever is a febrile illness that affects infants, young children and adults.”
“Symptoms range from a mild fever, to incapacitating high fever, with severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, and rash. There are no specific antiviral medicines for dengue. It is important to maintain hydration.” That’s the reason for taking 100 Plus. By the way, you have to allow the gas to evaporate before drinking it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Master Cleanse Makes Detoxification Easy

There are many ways to detoxify. You can go on a water fast or a totally dry fast. You can begin with fruit juices and vegetable salads. But a real detox involves the cleansing of the colon which can take as many as 10-40 days.
Colon detoxification has long term health benefits – you are revitalized simply because your system has been restored. Where you felt tired, irritable, out of sorts previously, a colon detox changes it all by removing the accumulated toxin that slows down your system. The blood system is purified and all systems are running smoothly now. Your metabolism is restored so you don’t have sudden urges for food. You no longer have to suffer constipated stools that cause you to be easily provoked. For those who want to shed pounds, detoxification is very effective.
However it is a rigorous process of withdrawal from food for at least ten days. Many don’t make it because it can be uncomfortable especially when the toxins are being dislodged. You feel even more pain than before you started and you may blame it on the detoxification. For this reason, the Master Cleanse book should be of great help because it provides proven methods to help one succeed in colon detoxification.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Disease- Defination

We take the word disease so much for granted. We know it refers to sickness of some kind but when we study the etymology of the word, we find it is made up of the prefix dis (a negative) as for example in the word displeased and the root word ease. This means the word disease literally means ‘not at ease’ from the health point of view. I read this in a medical book several years ago and it’s stuck in my mind!!!

When we reflect on the meaning of the word, it does make sense. We're meant to be in a state of ease and any imbalance caused by external or internal forces leaves us in a state of disease.

Chronic diseases is preventable!

Chronic diseases is preventable according to the WHO. WHO's statistics show that 80% of heart related diseases, stroke, cancer, respiratory disease and diabetes and 40 % of all cancer can be prevented simply by:
- taking a balanced diet
- exercising and
- by not smoking

Not a tall order is it? Merely an adjustment in lifestyle which would pay lifelong dividends.

Remember living with chronic diseases is no fun for the victim or the loved ones.
So, get off the couch and start jogging. Eat lots of greens and fruits.
And of course, get rid of the pack! It only barbecues your organs (mortuaries have shown those who smoke have blackened organs)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Detoxify with Oranges and Lemon

Oranges and lemon - is a refrain from an old nursery rhyme. But add to the list : grapefruits, pears, apples, cherries, grapes, mangoes, pineapples, melons, tomatoes, and papayas, eaten when it is in season would be just marvelous as a detoxifying agent.

What happens when we eat fruit? Fruit is rich in fiber and has a very high water content. The fiber would absorb the toxic and the water flushes it out.

Fruit is also rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and fruit pectin. Studies have shown that pectin binds with heavy metals, such as lead, helping to eliminate them from the system.

So, what are you waiting for? Detoxify with fruits to begin with!

Detoxification is a buzz word

Detoxification is a buzz word for health addicts and that's meant to be a compliment. With the kind of food we take in, not to mention the stress and pollution of both air and water, we need to have regular detoxification to flush out the toxic stuck to our colons.

It is toxic or poison that causes us to fall ill. Flush it out and you'll feel brand new, like a car with new engine oil.

The first time is always the hardest, but once you've undergone a detox, you'd want to do it on a regular basis.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Do you ever listen to your body?

Do you ever listen to your body?

When the body is tired, do you take a break?

When it's meal time, do you feed it?

When it's crying out for a drink, do you offer one?

When it's getting heavy on the waist, do you workout?

When it's beginning to show signs of fatigue, do you

Stop to find out why before its too late

Remember health is wealth

Its better to have health than wealth

And even better to have both

May you be healthy, body, mind and soul.


Welcoming Message

Welcome to the

It is my hope that individuals looking for better ways to improve their health will find useful resources here.

Indeed, health is wealth. You may have stacks of cash but without the health, how can you enjoy it? In a similar vein, health is not just a question of the body but of the mind and soul as well.

Do stick around.

May you be healthy, body, mind and soul.
